I am an aficionado about tennis.
browbeat: to intimidate someone into doing something.
I browbeat my sister into doing the dishes for me.
commensurate: equal or similar to something in size or amount
My brother's bag of candy was commensurate to my bag of candy.
diaphanous: light, delicate, and translucent
diaphanous: light, delicate, and translucent
We needed to be diaphanous with the subject, considering it was such a difficult topic to bring up.
emolument: a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office
Her emolument was larger than mine, but only because she has a larger family.
foray: a sudden attack or incursion into enemy territoryI decided to concoct a foray on my sister and her friends.
panache: flamboyant manner and reckless courage
genre: a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in
form, style, or subject matter
form, style, or subject matter
My favorite genre is fiction, overall.
homily: commentary that follows a reading of scripture
Dr. Preston decided to add his own personal homily after he read Hamlet.
immure: enclose or confine against their will
My dad likes to immure me in a headlock sometimes for fun. It's not fun.
insouciant: showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent
I seemed to have sprained my ankle, but my dad was insouciant and didn't believe me.
matrix: an environment or material in which something develops; a surrounding medium or
The cactus' matrix is usually in the desert, or a dry land.
obsequies: funeral ritespanache: flamboyant manner and reckless courage
She was acting with so much panache that I don't think she was even being serious.
persona: the image or personality that a person presents
My persona is usually defined as sassy. I don't see it.
philippic: a bitter attack or denunciation
My mom was so philippic toward me when she got home that I didn't even know what to do.
prurient: having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters
prurient: having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters
"50 Shades of Grey" is too prurient for my taste.
sacrosanct: regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with
My mom is such a sacrosanct that no one messes with her.
systemic: of or relating to a system, esp. as opposed to a particular part
Everyone in the world is somehow related to a systemic program.
tendentious: expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view
In court, her dad was put on the stand to show his tendentious feelings toward the situation.
vicissitude: a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant
The vicissitude that my brother has is unreal. He always seems to get the short end of the stick.
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